The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band … and … The Rutles
April 17th 2015 : An evening of mirth and uber-intelligent music & entertainment. Neil Innes asked me to join as guest guitarist (and vocalist) – with both bands. I cannot tell you what a how special this was. Overwhelmingly overwhelming. And did I mention “thrilling”?
I thank each and every member of the capacity audience for the warm welcome, the great vibes, and the totally wacky carry-on. And the musicians and entertainers? OMG OMG OMG!
Honest to goodness, there were points in the show where I thought “This must be what it felt like to be in the midst of Monty Python’s Flying Circus“. Click this lovely photo below for a great flickr show:
And a silly 5 minute video (w/awful telephone-camera sound!):
We just might do it again…
London Luvs from Mr E